What Are You Listening to? (Videos only)


Jun 26, 2024
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Lincoln Park
A born again southern Christian rocker from Chicago originally...now thats really interesting to me. ;)
I'm agnostic for over 50 years so I dont hang with people who are born again or otherwise and my friends who are Catholic aren't big music fans anyway and no one else I know leans that way. We have a large fundamantalist Baptist church/school group in the area and those I have met don't listen to most rock. Several used to work for me in my office in the old days and they did not listen to anything but religious music/easy listening stuff. They think that music like rock is from satan.:uh:
I thought that track from Chapman was well done but not my thing. I dont really listen to any 'country' other than some classic rock stuff that has country influences like Neil Young or Allman Bros Band, etc.There are a few 'outliers' I listen to like Steve Earle, Lucinda Williams, Alison Krauss ...but I dont think they have any Christian imagery per se.
I used to listen to Spocks Beard (Neil Morse)...prog rock... then Neil Morse left to do 'Christian prog rock'...with his band and it was just not the same vibe for me. I like Kings X...prog metal....but their lyrics are not overtly 'christian' so it doesnt ruin the music for me. Other than that I dont know much about 'Christian rock'.
Wow, Thanks for being so honest! I listen to Lynyrd Skynyrd too. That's Southern Rock. What you say is true. There are "religious" people, and Christians who think "rock music" is from the devil. I believe those people are not interested in what a Christian is like anymore than their interested in listening to the lyrics of Christian rock music. I personally believe there is a place for Christian Rock singers and bands, as long as they guard their hearts, and don't get caught up in what is unpleasing to the God they claim to love. I hope that makes sense. I also don't just listen to Southern Christian Rock. I posted a song by Rich Mullins and he was certainly not Southern Rock. I posted another song, and I don't know how anyone could think it's "Satan's" music. You might not like it, but it is Rock. Thanks for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking. I appreciate it. :thanks:

Open The Clouds - Unspoken

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