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Nai Noswad

Senior Member
Jul 17, 2019
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The lands of Marshall Stack.
One more from Second BIrth by Gravy Train.....
Thanks dr wu..... I recall as if yesterday buying this album, my mom used to sign the Child Benefit book every Tuesday.... I'd bunk off school early, go to main post office in Nottingham and draw on the money as an 'agent'.... Treat myself to a coffee and a rumbaba cake and skip into Selectadisc store... This gem on the Dawn label was in the second hand racks for less than 2 bucks!
Thanks Doug... Ian.

Nai Noswad

Senior Member
Jul 17, 2019
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The lands of Marshall Stack.
None of their songs from their 4 lps have any 'Christian' imagery to me so he obviously buried it in the songs. And I have listened to 2 of the lps quite a bit. :think:
Always liked this from the first....like early Jethro Tull.
Gravy Train -The New One
Second Birth, sounds like an industrial revolution tribute.... but in his lyrics destruction and injustice are very apparent. Tolpuddle.... obviously.

Nai Noswad

Senior Member
Jul 17, 2019
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The lands of Marshall Stack.
A born again southern Christian rocker from Chicago originally...now thats really interesting to me. ;)
I'm agnostic for over 50 years so I dont hang with people who are born again or otherwise and my friends who are Catholic aren't big music fans anyway and no one else I know leans that way. We have a large fundamantalist Baptist church/school group in the area and those I have met don't listen to most rock. Several used to work for me in my office in the old days and they did not listen to anything but religious music/easy listening stuff. They think that music like rock is from satan.:uh:
I thought that track from Chapman was well done but not my thing. I dont really listen to any 'country' other than some classic rock stuff that has country influences like Neil Young or Allman Bros Band, etc.There are a few 'outliers' I listen to like Steve Earle, Lucinda Williams, Alison Krauss ...but I dont think they have any Christian imagery per se.
I used to listen to Spocks Beard (Neil Morse)...prog rock... then Neil Morse left to do 'Christian prog rock'...with his band and it was just not the same vibe for me. I like Kings X...prog metal....but their lyrics are not overtly 'christian' so it doesnt ruin the music for me. Other than that I dont know much about 'Christian rock'.
Maybe it's me.... but I don't really know what religion people are that I know. Oddly though most Christians/catholic or protestant folk I do know...... absolutely dig rock and heavy stuff too. I'm just happy to listen and discuss music and a myriad of other subjects regardless of their faith..... non- believers sometimes feel (in my humble experience) that they have to let you know they aren't religious etc... a bit like vegans and Tesla drivers... you only know they are this because they keep telling everyone!!!!

dr wu

Dr Prog
Mar 18, 2020
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Maybe it's me.... but I don't really know what religion people are that I know. Oddly though most Christians/catholic or protestant folk I do know...... absolutely dig rock and heavy stuff too. I'm just happy to listen and discuss music and a myriad of other subjects regardless of their faith..... non- believers sometimes feel (in my humble experience) that they have to let you know they aren't religious etc... a bit like vegans and Tesla drivers... you only know they are this because they keep telling everyone!!!!
Well .....you live in Ireland where everyone is Catholic.....a breed unto themselves. :think:
Over here Baptists and other fundies/protestants are always trying to get in your face....outreach stuff mostly door to door but mailings and other programs are always happening.
None of the music people I know are overly religious in any way ,but of course I know what all my friends think...how could you not know what your friends believe? I dont hang with non friends so of course have no idea about other folks. I have never met what I call a 'true Christian' who is into classic rock or metal. Maybe I need to get out more?;)
Can some one recommend a truly good 'Christian rock band'?


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2024
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I think the best Christian "rock" music tends to be made by secular artists, for instance Prince's "I Would Die 4 U," Greenbaum's "Spirit in the Sky" or Black Sabbath's "After Forever." I've heard some decent Metal and Death Metal Christian bands though, like Stryper and Vengeance (rising).


Senior Member
Aug 18, 2024
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South of Boston, MA
Posting two songs from the 2016 self titled debut album from Seven Sisters. How I would describe their sound is that if you crossed Def Leppard's On Though The Night with Iron Maiden's first album.

If you like these, I'd highly recommend their 2021 album Shadow Of A Fallen Star.


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