Review The Ramones- Self Titled (1976) **** 1/2

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Jul 29, 2024
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Classic Rock Album of the Day- The Ramones- Self Titled (1976). **** 1/2

One of the most interesting aspects of rock music has been its ability to morph when the formula gets tired, diluted, or over served Here's a brief and loose synopsis of its history up to todays example:

Rockabilly 1954-1963
Beatlemania- 1963-1967
Post Sgt Pepper's Psychadelic 1967-1971
Hard, Shock Rock and Prog infusion- 1971-1976
Punk 1976-1980

Punk's pioneers can be singled out to the Ramones and The Sex Pistols. The record buying public was tiring (sadly) to the AOR that typically had a hit or two, but included way to much filler as well. These two bands blasted into the scene almost simutaneously. But in many ways were as different as black and white. The Sex Pistols had a vulgar anger that focused on the political outrage, and less on the music and product. Also nixing The Sex Pistols legacy was the fact they only made one album. These guys just took their anarchy filled gibberish too seriously. And thus they flamed out as quick as they arrived.

The Ramones OTOH, enjoyed significant longevity with 14 albums over almost 20 years. Considering their influence, I found it amazing that none of these 14 ever cracked the Top 40. But few can claim the crazy amount of influence on the music industry. Just look at the post punk late 1990's early 2000's. Bands like Social Distortion, Green Day, Blink 182, and every other band of that era owes homage to this band.

As far as the band. Are they good musicans- nope, Thoughtful Songwriters- LMAO- No. These guys in fact take the 3 chord thing to the maximum extreme. Harmonies are often off key, percussion entirely static with no variation. They are basically a garage band having fun. So what makes The Ramones so Iconic? As I earlier mentioned with AOR, prog, and some sappy singer/songwriters like Neil Young.... Rock Music had entirely starting taking itself too damned serious. The guys tool the minimalistic approach, added some humours lyrics, decent hooks, and tough leather jacket personal, then soared with it. Here's another mind boggling stat about the Ramones- There have been 48 Tribute Albums (from other bands or compliations of bands) issued.

This album is best by far of their catalog, and contains some of their most widely known tunes. I am not goiing to give commentary on each cut, as there really isn't anything outside what I have already discussed to add. To the uninitiated, you will find that a lot of their songs sound just alike. But enjoy the raw energy and fun.

Instead, I will provide my 5 favorites (ranked) at the end.

1. I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend
2. Blitzkrieg Bop
3. 53rd and 3rd
4. Beat on the Brat
5. Judy is a Punk

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