Review The Guess Who- Share the Land (1970) ** 1/2

album review


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Jul 29, 2024
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Classic Rock Album of the Day- The Guess Who- Share the Land- (1970). ** 1/2

In looking through the band's discography, I had to choose from about 5 late 1960's and early 1970's picks. I was really surprised that my pick today, was after the departure of Randy Bachman. I could have sworn that he took part in this one before starting BTO, but I was wrong. The Guess Who churned out hit after hit from 1969-1971. They were prolific, and I would be amiss in saying that their first '71 Greatest Hits album , is a shiny example of how a band should market their best. I literally wore that one out in the day. Every song is excellent.

As, I said, I was kind of surprised that Share the Land didn't include Bachman. Still, it seemed the Guess Who was pretty consistent in the era, of having three or so ,really good tunes, and 4 or 5 with filler. But don't feel sorry for Randy Bachman.... he put out about 3 or 4 of his own that outsold his old band. BTO > The Guess Who. just my opinion.

Generalizing the Guess Who, is pretty simple. They were standard rocker, with a penchant of some light schmooze that gave their product that sound that was getting massive radio play circa 1970. Their real early stuff had, like everyone else that Doors like psychedelic edge. As their career progressed they seemed to soften gradually, until the mid 70's when it went into a "whiney rant and lost relevance.

Pre-Share the Land, the line share of the songwriting was split between Cummings and Bachman. Kurt Winter (anyone get this as a trivia question?) replaced Bachman, and though showing in the credits, you have to wonder actually how much did hie actually add to the band's songs. Though you can def. see the drop off in quality, as Bachman had about a notch and a half better skills. Writing and musicianship.

Fun Fact: The Guess Who had ZERO platinum studio albums, which I found nuts considering the air play they got. Guessing '45's were a cash cow for them back in the day.

Side 1-

Bus Rider- Solid standard rocker from Winter (Not Johnny or Edgar). Has a strong '60's twinge, lyrically inane though..... 5

Do You Miss Me Darlin'- Normal Cummings crooning device, that has some very nice melodic parts that are nice addition to the LP 4

Hand Me Down World- First of the trifecta of solid Guess Who tunes that gives this one the edge over others. Strange as it sounds, this sounds more like a tune that Bachman would write instead of Cumming, but nope. Even the guitar sounds like him. Hooks a Million, but a really good one. 3

Moan For You Joe- Torchlit blues that sucks. Full Frontal Filler. 8

Share the Land- I don't know how many youngsters are reading this back in this era, a few hippies were congregating into communes. The concept is downright silly.... A group of stoned, tripping kids living together in a village, sharing the spoils of their work and togetherness. lmao2.gif Yeah, these were communes that the rest of the country were laughing their asses at. Peace, Love, and Harmony.... Pfffffffff!!! This is a really good song that seems to extract the benefits without reality. Some of the vocal harmonization is the best the band ever did. And Cummings does belt it out nicely. Always wondered if he believed this silly shit as he sang it. 2

Side 2-

Hang on to Your Life- My actual favorite song by this band, and I guess I do have to give it sleeper status. Macrabe subject for matter for the day. Think... Going from Peace, Love, and Harmony to a semi-document of the process of the event of "death". Song works on various levels, from guitar to absolute chilling narrative conclusion that definitely , takes a chapter from the Doors in eery preponderances. 1

"Coming Down Off the Money Bag" / "Song of the Dog"- 50% Country? 50% Blues? , 100% silly and pointless. To me this gives a dis-service to the great delta blues acts in the past. Part 2? of this train wreck......, more of the same 7

Three More Days- I hate it when a band sticks a looooong song in, and that stinks, and takes up a 1/4 of the album. I think the GH saw the trend with other bands doing the long tunes too. Thing is, if you are that ballzy and bold, at least make it a good one, instead of filler. 6


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