Should CRF Place Restrictions on Newbies?

Should Newbies be restricted on CRF?

  • All posts should be moderated before showing in the forum for 20 posts.

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • Allow them to post, but do not allow links for 20 posts.

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • Newbies should not be restricted at all.

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • I have no opinion reguarding newbies.

    Votes: 4 16.7%

  • Total voters


An Englishman in New York
Feb 23, 2011
Reaction score
Manhattan, New York City, USA
Any decision from the 'staff' on what to do about this issue yet?....or how soon a decision? It's just that I just avoided a link to a site in a post from a new spammer/hacker containing the word "cheque" (meaning money I assume) which less paranoid members than me might not have avoided.


Fade To Black
Apr 20, 2009
Reaction score
^^I wouldn't worry about it TS, I opened both links and they took me to financial service sites...but I have removed the post so you can rest easy.;)


An Englishman in New York
Feb 23, 2011
Reaction score
Manhattan, New York City, USA
^^I wouldn't worry about it TS, I opened both links and they took me to financial service sites...but I have removed the post so you can rest easy.;)

Thanks amigo, though I wasn't worrying, well, I am a bit of a worrier by nature, but not about stuff like this at least.

Seems to be one or two of those things on here most days at the moment... an act of revenge I think about 50 of us should all join the message boards, and spam the hell out of the place with links to Classic Rock Forums.



An Englishman in New York
Feb 23, 2011
Reaction score
Manhattan, New York City, USA
OK I've asked this before, and got nowhere, and so I will try again to get an answer - when will some positive action be taken to restrict/limit people registering on here and then immediately spamming the place with their idiotic links etc? Another one has just arrived, that's several just this week. This poll has been up and running now since the 12th November - and today is the 29th. I assume the poll was created to at least give some indication to the forum staff of how people feel, and it would then be acted upon, at the staff's discretion, in a reasonable amount of isn't 17 days reasonable??...and if not, then when exactly will anything be done? Thanks.
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Aging Metalhead
Mar 2, 2012
Reaction score
The Barrens
I've never been an admin, so I can only take a stab at this.

Are these spammers detectable beforehand, or is it something that has to be remedied once they get in the gates?

If we don't know they're here until they're already in, why not make it impossible to post until their registration is looked at? I know I've registered at places before and received an email saying they'd activate my account once it was looked over.

I don't know how much time and work that would involve. I also have no idea what the admins would be looking for.

I don't think there's any kind of foolproof, 100% accurate way to get spammers completely gone.

Look at me...I've been spamming here for over 1 1/2 years, and no one's caught on yet.


An Englishman in New York
Feb 23, 2011
Reaction score
Manhattan, New York City, USA
I've never been an admin, so I can only take a stab at this.

Are these spammers detectable beforehand, or is it something that has to be remedied once they get in the gates?

If we don't know they're here until they're already in, why not make it impossible to post until their registration is looked at? I know I've registered at places before and received an email saying they'd activate my account once it was looked over.

I don't know how much time and work that would involve. I also have no idea what the admins would be looking for.

I don't think there's any kind of foolproof, 100% accurate way to get spammers completely gone.

Look at me...I've been spamming here for over 1 1/2 years, and no one's caught on yet.


Those are IMO all good points Vehicle, and you may well be right, if the answer is "there's nothing that can be done" then fair enough, but nearly 3 weeks after we first asked the question and the poll was put out there, we still have no idea what is being planned, which is the only point I was making really. All the mods and admins here do fine work, I'm trying not to be a pain about this, and knowing me probably failing!!! :uh:
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Soot and Stars

Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
Small Town NH, USA
I can answer a couple questions about this as a mod particularly Vehicles last inquiry. There's about one way we can have a very good idea if the person's going to be a threat before they make their first post and that's to check there ISP in our system. If it's a match to another user banned or even not banned then something's up. I've been able to ban much quicker that way. Otherwise it's me having to keep the CRF window open all night during my free time and refreshing to see if there's trouble in paradise. I can honestly say this past week considering I work retail in my real life I haven't exactly been focused on things here so much. :tongue: I think it's a question that doesn't really have a winning side though. How do we limit new users without pissing them off when we are already having a decline in users in the first page. From my perspective if new users come in aside from the members names they aren't seeing any span most of the time. We kill that quick enough. The one solution I suggested initially is just banning the overall ISP's but Magic informed me that this shuts out a lot of innocent potentially users and even glitches current users with similar ISP's so it's not a working solution. If I was to go by reading through the thread I'd say the consensus would be that a restriction is not the answer unless it was a very short/limited solution. For me it's my job to kill the spammers and that's not a big deal. I think we have to focus on other areas for growth personally. I'm not an admin. though so someone with a gavel will have to chime in to give a final consensus/answer but that's what I know! :heheh:


Fade To Black
Apr 20, 2009
Reaction score
If VB was more...sophisticated we could install a 'bot' filter which would prevent the mass spammers from getting in at all (Without using the IP ban). But we don't have that option.

Yesterday I logged in took a quick look saw 3 spammers banned them within 30 seconds, deleted their posts and nobody even had a chance to read what they posted. That is also the way the rest of the mods do their jobs, sometimes when nobody is here then 70's G or Connie will let us know by reporting it(they have sent us more reports than anyone else) and then the first mod here removes it.

Magic and I don't intend on putting anything in place that would make a new arrival feel unwelcome.

We appreciate your passion TS, but there is no simple way to stop spammers they are clever so even if we put massive security measures in place some will always get through. The horde of robots filling up the visitors box are IP banned, they can't do anything but that also eliminates anyone from that 'area code' from joining the forum.

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