Review Primus- Pork Soda- (1993) *** 1/2

album review


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Jul 29, 2024
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Classic Rock Album of the Day- Primus- Pork Soda (1993) *** 1/2

I am not too proud to admit when I am late to the party. There was a time in the late 1980's and early 1990's, that I considered bands like NIN and Primus as generators of nonsensical random noise. Doing these reviews the past few years has broadened my POV, around certain bands. Some of the bands don't sound as good as I remember, and then there are some that these that are fantastic that I had dismissed earlier. The two above mentioned are two prime examples of that , and giving these two bands a "first" listen is like openng presents on Christmas Morning.

Primus is a 3 member ensamble that are incredibly talented at each craft. Of course the band's crown jewel is front man and bassist (Les Claypool) , who takes innovation on the 4 string to stratsopheric heights. He does things on the bass that seem too defy human ability. Guitarist Larry Ledonde suffers from the same ailment as Alex Lifeson, in having a massive talent, but being overshadowed by a band mate(s) that are considered among the greatest of all time. The same with their initial drummer.

Putting a genre label on this band is almost impossible, but I'll give it a shot. (IMO) It is light variable mix of Zappa, Beefheart, Bizzaro-Jazz, Psychadaelia, and with a dash of funk. The music, lyrics, and everything else about this band is an "11" on the 10 point "Peculiar" scale. I can imagine that Primus has to be one of the GOATs too, among the 420 and Halluogen crowd. Claypools use of the odd time changes, jazzish improv, and wildly out of the blue strange lyrics and themes, makes him and his band a one of a kind outfit. I can also see why his craziness was a fan favorite too, with the Moshers back in the late '80's/early 90's.

As far as picking one particular album, I do have to admit that I have not had the pleasure of hearing their entire collection yet. It does seem that their earlier stuff seems more comical, raw, and innovative. Though through the career mid point, it seems that every album thus far has something to offer. At least early on, i was kind of torn between this one, and the "Seas of Cheese" LP. And honestly it was pretty much a coin flip, and with both approaching 4 star status. BUT........ Like in the case with NIN, listening can be fatigue inducing, but for different reasons. NIN for the darkness and industrial metal overload. For Primus, I think it is more of a case that the human brain is more wired for at least some measure of hook, phrasic anticipation and melodic content. With Primus you are approaching cacaphonic dicourse, with a massive dosage of jazz like randomness. No less talented though... And saying their stuff is damned different, and unique is a massive understatement. If you are an old fogey like me, all I ask is that your leave your previous pre-concepts behind, and give this a band a listen with an open mind. I also strongly recommend pulling up Claypool's lyrics while listening. It adds to the listening experience.

Finally, I also love to bring up the fact that this band exhibits the ultmate of non-pretentiousness. They have never taken themselves serious, and the biggest compliment of all is when their fans yell "You Suck" at their shows. To me this adds to the charm and legend. Mosh on bubba!!!!!!!

Fun Fact: They are one of the most listened to acts on TV. You hear them every time Southpark comes on. (Theme Song and Closing Credits)

Track No.

1. Pork Chop's Little Ditty- Just a short 20 second country hillbily like intro that sets the tone- cool.gif

2. My Name is Mud- I might get an argument, but this is the most well known single song by the band. It's quite likely one of the most innovative works on the 4 string in Rock History. Claypool's ability to create a bass sound that simutaneously works as percussion is remarkable. And the lyrics? It's a song about a redneck who gets into a trivial spat with a city feller, and whacks him with a bat, and then has to dispose of his body. Standard stuff. lmao2.gif 1

3. Welcome to This World- More bass wizardry that incoprorates the Southpark like guitar squirrelly like licks. Spectacular and bizzare. And I have no freakin' idea what Les is singing about on this one. Nonsenical on roids. 4

4. Bob- More of the same craziness, but repeitive phrasing that gives the impression of insanity. Theme is either suicide or auto-erootic asphyxiation. (I guess, and welcome any Primus fans to help me with interpreation) 9

5. DMV- Another musical clinic by the guys. And his hmmmm.. hmmmm.... homage to the DMV, that is hilarious. Compositon skills on this one? Easily a "9+" 3

6. The Ol' Diamondback Sturgeon (Fisherman's Chronicles, Part 3)- Maybe one of the most melodic numbers, but still very very strange. Clyapool's ability to make a classic around catching a fish is amazing. the high infusion of some psychodelic slants was a nice touch too. 5

7. Nature Boy- More craziness, but from crazy spectacular musicanship too, this is some of the best on the album. 2

8.Wounded Knee- Multifaceted xylphoone piece that seems out of place, and needless. Album's darned good, but not perfect 13

9. Pork Soda- Not the best effort in the title track. Claypool taking the wierdness lyrically up a notch is a massive understatement. 9

10. The Pressman- Not sure how much is in the truth of the persona of Claypool, or just a editorial on writing. More of the Strange. 8

11. Mr. Krinkle- Seems this one is for sure from personal interaction with another musican. (According to Genius Lyrics) That being with Faith No More's Drummer, and their banter on the road. One of the few that actually make sense. How many of you remember Faith No More. 7

12. The Air is Gettimg Slippery- Sounds strangely like The Who's "Tommy's Holiday Camp" It also has a strange reference to Pink Floyd. Not a good addition, or any intent. Drug induced I guess. 12

13. Hamburger Train- Instrumental Jam that showcases their talents nicely- 6

14. Pork Chop's Little Ditty- See Track 1

15. Hail Santa- Basically sounds like Clapool tuning his bass, but bonus points for how it is presented. 10


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