Review The Smithereens- 11 (1989) ***

album review


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Jul 29, 2024
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Classic Rock Album of the Day- The Smitereens- 11 (1989) ***

I really haven't been too kind to the Alternate, Grunge era of rock so far, but that does not mean there weren't some gems that I enjoyed. Like this one from 1989. In my musical tastes, by about 1990, it was getting tougher and tougher to find something that actually made me want to go to the record shop to secure. This one had about half/half good/bad sound to it, so I bought.

There is really nothing ground breaking musically on this CD, and this band kind of went in and out of the spotlight pretty quickly. There really aren't any specific musical performances to write home about either. I really think what worked on "11" was several well crafted hooks that catch the listener, and draws them in. Those hooks that haunt your humming 2 hours later. But, after their '80's success, they sank into pretty sad and pathetic territory. This is not a joke, as here is their studio portfolio 1994-2009:

1994- A Date with the Smithereens
1999- God Save the Smithereens
2007- Meet the Smithereens
2007- Christmas With the Smithereens
2008- B Sides- The Beatles
2009- The Smithereens Play Tommy

Seems rather than holding a legit legacy, they decided to make jokes of themselves, but that still doesn't mean there wasn't some good music by this band in their prime. But back to the album..... I will try to put it in prespective, and still will rank these tunes, but there really isn't a lot to review, and if I might add...... This isn't one that should be overanalyzed, but is just a good mindless grungy romp, if you want some decent rock with a pop sheen.

Fun Fact: Madonna was actually hired to sing vocals on "A Girl Like You", but didn't show up. Also of note, there was one appearance by Belinda Carlisle on this album, who you might remember as the singer from the "Go-Go's"

Side 1-

Girl Like You- The recognizable hit from the Album that many might remember. Nice syncopative links, and innovative almost "co-singing " of the song, that if done correctly is not really that easy to do. 1

Blues Before and After- Another solid rocking number 3

Blue Period- Not sure they are Picasso fans, and I see no lyrical connections there. But has an almost Strawberry Fields violin accompaniment Vibe, and other Beatle like elements that explains their future fixation on the Beatles. It's a pleasant soft turn. 4

Baby Be Good- Light rocking and slow paced pop song. 6

Room With a View- Alternatiish REM like fodder. Nope. 7

Side 2-

Yesterday Girl- Hooked mindlessness that is fun as hell to listen to. Sounds like what the sons of the Monkees might write and play on a good day. '60's like solo did not go unnoticed either. 2

Cut Flowers- Awful light number. As good as Blue Period is, this on the flip side is just as bad. 10

William Wilson- Ode to the E.A. Poe story. Most alternative sounding tune on the LP. Works pretty well though 5

Maria Elena- Sometimes the hooks are so sappy, they are almost a joke. This one should have been left off. 9

Kiss Your Tears Away- More Filler. As well as the album started, it sure fizzled by the end of Side 2 8



Senior Member
Jul 8, 2022
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In The Land Of Submarines
I agree here. The top four songs as you have ranked them are the only reasons I dig out this album maybe once or twice a year. I also have a “best of” compilation but I continue to test my fandom often with groups like Smithereens and cling to a few studio albums and deep tracks when probably a compilation album is really all I ever need. That guitar on “Girl Like You”… Jebus what a sound!

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