Alice Cooper


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2024
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Pulled from my list thread, and my experience at my Alice Cooper concert.....

Concert: Rick Derringer and Alice Cooper - July 1, 1977

Let me start with a preface... As you have seen on these lists, I had quite an admiration for AC and especially his stage show, which still to this day is among the best in rock history. With that, I wanted to make sure I got a front row (literally) seat to the event, and got there early to stand in place front and center to the stage. Derringer played his hits in about a 45 minute set with no problems. Everybody got to see Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo
When AC entered the stage, the crowd surged forward, and by the first 1/3 of the first song, I among several others were severely pinned against the plank of the stage. It felt like my lungs were getting crushed, and every breath was a ghasp of almost nothing. When someone finally noticed on stage, an individual came out and started screaming.... Everyone on the Floor 2.... steps back NOW!!!!... Everyone on the Floor... 3 Steps back NOW!!! The crowd start dispersing back, but by then I noticed about 10-15 feet away a young petite girl and another kid had passed out from the crush of the crowd. After a couple of minutes of pleaing for the crowd to move back, a couple of paramedics made it to the kids, and they were pulled out of the crowd. It is hard to explain how harrowing it is, to think you are crushed and strangulated from the sheer force of a few hundred people behind you trying to get to the stage. I do not know what the final outcome of these kids, but it didn't make any news. Likely because the venue was run by the city.

But the concert itself? Stage show was fabuous, as this was the show supporting the "Lace and Whisky Tour". But it seems he kept the "Welcome to My Nighmare" stage theme. Great effects and props. Did not like seeing the band without founding members, or like the fact that AC was drunk and slurring his lyrics. The bruisng around my upper torso also came at no charge.

dr wu

Dr Prog
Mar 18, 2020
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I'm gettin old....saw Cooper on June 20 1971 at Starwood(Sherwood) club in Schererville, IN...about 8 miles from my house back then.
It was the Love It To Death tour....and I'm 18 was a 'radio hit'.

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